
Legacy of Mana 5E Compatible Products

Created by Lynnvander Studios RPG

An old-school 5e setting book, immersive map book and hardcover novel which will revitalize your D&D RPG experiences.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Daily Unlock #5
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 05:26:36 PM

Hello Friends! 

It's time for another daily unlock.  Today we are going to start getting into our card utility rewards! First we will release our magic item cards.  19 NEW magic items! 

Mark Meer - Special Guest

Today at 2pm ET we're going to be playing Legacy of Mana on stream, live on the floor of PAX Unplugged.  In addition, we have a special guest playing, Mark Meer (Commander Sheppard of Mass Effect). He will be playing the Mana Well Warlock!  We have other special guests on stream as well including Tanner Yarro, Jason Azevedo, Jon Barry, Beadle & Grimm's and so many more. 

WATCH LIVE at PAX Unplugged

Daily Unlock #3 and #4
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 05:19:22 PM

Hail Imarian Heroes!  

We've arrived safe in Philadelphia! We are rested up and are now working on our booth for PAX Unplugged.  We'll share some images in tomorrow's update.  For now, we have a commitment to uphold and that's to give you some daily unlocks!  Apologies for the delay of day 3, since we were driving, working with logistics and making sure everyone was safe traveling within the pandemic, we just couldn't get this update crafted with the poise we wanted.  


And a special thank you to Navegante Entertainment and Team17 for this lovely unlock! 

DM's in a Car Discussing Dungeons

The dev team will be driving to PAX today and decided they wanted to do a car stream!  Something to engage with our community for questions, discussions, stories and more within the Legacy of Mana universe as well as what's to be expected from the many many scheduled games at PAX.  Join dev's Kyle and Devin as well as special DM guests Lex and Christian (seasoned Legacy of Mana DM's) as they reminisce Gen Con stories from players, mechanics, and much more! 

7pm ET

Daily Unlock #2
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Dec 08, 2021 at 03:19:27 PM

Greetings Adventurers! 

One must quantify their abilities in order to keep those boastful bards in check!  How better than through a custom character scroll! 

We will be providing this as both digital and a printed/copy-able sheet inside the book!  We look forward to the days where these sheets are shown throughout the known world!  We can't WAIT to see what kinds of characters you're all going to make. 

We're on day 3 now... 

It's time for us all to keep the momentum by spreading the word to everyone we know! Please spread this campaign to all those you believe would want their own map books and campaign books.  We thank you so much for the support! 

Tonight's Live-Stream! 

Dev's Kyle and and Tommy will be speaking live on twitch tonight at 8pm et. right on Six Sides of Gaming - please tune in and ask us any questions you wish about the mechanics, production and more! 

Watch tonight at 8pm et. Dev Talk with Tommy and Kyle

Tomorrow's Unlock

We may be a little later tomorrow with out update because our entire team is driving to PAX Unplugged to set up.  We'll be streaming Legacy of Mana from the floor all convention long with special guest Mark Meer of Mass Effect and more!  We may appear live on Twitch with Lynnvander's Josh and Tommy, if we can get the car cam set up!  Should be FUN!  

If you're around PAX Unplugged, come say hi!  We're book #2855! 

Daily Unlock #1
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Dec 08, 2021 at 03:08:24 PM

Greetings Adventurers! 

What would this custom world be without a parchment to record your deeds?  We're revealing our FIRST daily unlock!  

Daily Unlock #1

Why Daily Unlocks? 

Many campaigns run stretch goals which have a great impact on the campaign.  Stretch goals can inspire the community to try and reach out to their colleagues to come back the campaign in order to 'unlock' free additional content or more.  We've decided to take a different approach.  We're releasing a new feature every day until the campaign ends (except for Day 1 - that was the Foil Cover).  All our daily unlocks are also designed to fit either in or on top of the books to maintain package integrity and reduce shipping costs as much as possible. 

This also means we'll do one update every day where we can also communicate our schedule, any product updates, general stream talk and more! 

We have a slight change in stream schedule tonight, our game we were going to run will be postponed due to tech issues, however, creator Tommy will host a special edition of True Talk: Legacy of Mana Kickstarter edition at 4pm et.  You can follow the twitch account here and ask any questions you'd like during that time.  It's True Talk... so he HAS to tell the truth!  ;) 

Kickstarter Edition

Funded in just a few hours!
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Dec 07, 2021 at 01:22:24 PM

Hello Imarians! 

Welcome to Legacy of Mana, so much to do over the next 2 weeks.  This update is to announce we've HIT OUR GOAL and it's thanks to so many communities that we hit this so quickly.  




Creator Tommy will be streaming a LIVE D&D game in this universe on Six Sides of Gaming literally RIGHT NOW.... come say hi, ask questions and be part of the adventure.  Dev team member Kyle will be in the chat to answer your inquiries and other dev Devin will be playing on stream as a character. 



Make sure if you haven't yet, please engage with our socials and spread the word.  Here's a bunch of graphics you can use over Instagram, Facebook, etc.