
Legacy of Mana 5E Compatible Products

Created by Lynnvander Studios RPG

An old-school 5e setting book, immersive map book and hardcover novel which will revitalize your D&D RPG experiences.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Map Book Updates
10 months ago – Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 11:15:44 PM

Map Book Alternative Manufacturing

Hey everyone, 

So thank you all for everyone that submitted their pics and emails to help support the map book reprint. After some real struggle, my manufacturer can't seem to get the lay flat properly put together without some level of defect at a percent I'm not comfortable with.  

We've started exploring other options in order to make sure this fulfillment gets done and we at least get you a solid map book of some caliber. As such, even with the Yarro Studios books which have had similar issues we've had a sample sent which attempts the use of rings. 

Here's some pics to show the quality.  For some reason the paper, the gloss and the weight of the pages are extremely good compared to the lay flat quality. The book itself does lay flat. Very flat. 

We're going to add some maps to this as a compensator (I believe digitally for everyone) unless the manufacturer can include them without any issues.  So you'll get more maps in some capacity for waiting for so long for the mistake to be rectified. 

Let us know your thoughts - We'll get these mass produced and sent you ASAP. We'll look to ensure you get extra maps and materials to compensate for this mess up.  We appreciate your patience and understanding as we resolve this. 

We WILL make this enticing for you all. 

The World of Imaria

In light of this campaign edging to a closure, we've re-launched our World of Imaria campaign. If you were a fan of everything in this KS (sans the map book debacle) take a look at this Kickstarter!  We've got a LOT of special guests working on the project with serious name and clout. We've very blessed and fortunate.

Support the campaign here -

Once again thanks for the patience everyone, 


The Map Book - Reprint
11 months ago – Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 02:35:14 PM

Hello Everyone! 

I've got news on the Map Books.  As some of you are already aware - the Map Books that were printed and shipped to our warehouse and sent out in a few waves to backers had significant defects sourced back to the manufacturer.  Enough so for us to take action for integrity and ensure we did right by this campaign. 

Since then, and when we realized it was not just a few items, we stopped shipping and stopped retail fulfillment.   The manufacturer has stepped up, admitted error and has begun reprinting of the map books at no cost to us. The books are well underway and a sample off the line will arrive again shorty. 

Now, in all honestly, the last two samples I received passed with flying colours. So I am not sure how excited I'll be about this one at first glance.  I will have to inspect the process of the book and compare it to some of the defected samples of the previous batch to ensure the method of manufacturing is proper.  So you get what you deserve! 

Once this is done, mass production will be sped up and then we'll have to ship the books to the warehouse again.  From there we'll have to re-fulfill to all of you with no shipping costs added. We'll have the manufacturer cover this because, well, it is their fault.  They have owned up and been super professional and that makes us happy, even though this means you all have to wait for your map books a few months more (which makes us frustrated and sad). 

In the meanwhile... here's what's going on with us, we hope this delay and reprint doesn't sour your experience enough to not give these other items a try. 

Our new campaign re-launch.

Good news!  Our campaign page is ready to go and advertising is set to begin next week!  The Imarian Campaign will relaunch on November 21st at 1pm est.  Let's ALPHA strike this campaign hardcore and together to fund Day 1, hit the algorithms and make Imaria ALIVE with the pillars of power!

Secret Note - WE WILL have a special reward for those that back at the book combo duo and up.... A special Dispel Reward.... Special!!  For all you that go in physical hard-cover core!  Stay tuned for announcements on that!

Notify HERE -

The An'Imaria (the non-Power Rangers name) campaign run by Japanime Games will also launch on Gamefound at that time, link TBD.

In addition, our Board Game division is launching Evil Dead 2 on November 9th at 1pm est. Maybe give them some groovy loving too!  Notify HERE -

Also join us for Fate of Legends tonight on Six Sides of Gaming and watch Elminster, Melf and Merrix influtrate an Iltherian base! Watch HERE -

Thanks everyone for being patient!  We look forward to an amazing campaign up and coming!

Updates and Collection
12 months ago – Tue, Oct 03, 2023 at 09:42:13 AM

Map Book Update

Hey everyone, 

So we've been notified that the map books have gone out - so hopefully everyone is starting to receive them, if not already has them.  We've received feedback from both sides, some map books are solid and others have had some issues with the spine.  

As I've iterated in the comments and on private emails and messages - we've made contact with the manufacturer and they've promised to make right.  Currently we as you to send any pictures and descriptions you can as to the manufacturing defect.  Our two sample products did not have any defects so this is definately on them and they are taking full responsibility. 

For now, the short term, we need to collect info and get numbers for resolution, in the meanwhile those that have a good product, thanks again for the comments!  The manufacturer will be meeting with me this week to discuss how to replace some of the damaged product.  

The good news is it won't cost me or you anything.  I'll update in a week or so after my meeting with how we're going to take care of some of these damaged books. 

We're at it again! 

If you've enjoyed Imaria to date, we have the next edition + an anime version! Almost everyone who's bought the book said, "Where's the modules?" and so we're proud to say we are releasing a module book as well!  Back it here -

We have also brought together the collective efforts of renowned industry luminaries Elisa Teague, Ed Greenwood, Keith Baker, and Damien Haas to put their stamp on aspects of our world, as well as join many other collaborators such as Luke Gygax, Todd Stashwick, and Bee Zelda to create an anthology book of Imarian and Animarian adventures for your gaming table! Their voices give the world a distinct feel rooted in the history of the "World's Greatest Roleplaying Game".

Shipping FINALLY!!!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 14, 2023 at 01:52:15 PM

Heyo fellow adventurers,

I have extremely positive news. The Map Books and DM screens are shipping AS OF TODAY!  The fulfilment house told me all products would be complete estimated by Friday!  So next week and the following couple of weeks you should start getting your map books and DM screens! 

But what IF you've moved? 

Most of you in the last few updates have asked me to reopen the manager to change addresses and I've locked in several of you.  The good news is that I've received no other updates.  The mediocre news is that I'm sure there will be more. The sad news is that if you don't get your book, we'll have to stay in communication and I can make sure to clear it and get your the book in time. 

Wrapping Up...

I just want to say, I'm grateful for the peaceful patience as we conclude the map books.  We delivered the setting book in a timely fashion but the map books took a beating on us.  Now they are in the universe and we thank you!  I'm sure we'll have some upkeep and returns etc to deal with so please be patient and we'll do our best to mitigate the usual issues that happen at the end game of a Kickstarter. 

What's Next? 

You can be the first to know... we're doing more books!  We have a new project coming up with a module guide with participants creating one-shot modules such as Ed Greenwood (Forgotten Realms creator), Keith Baker (Eberron creator), Elisa Teague (Tasha's Cauldron), Damien Haas (Smosh), Todd Stashwick (Star Trek Picard), Surena Marie (Radiant Citadel), Michelle Nugyen Bradley (Critical Role), Luke Gygax (Gary Con) and many more to announce soon.... 

You can follow along with the launch here -

If you liked / loved Legacy of Mana, you'll want to get this new book to add to your collection.  We have a lot going on regarding this and growth for the Imarian world... 

Example of stuff you'll get access to!

We have ongoing new maps, modules and more on our Patreon which you can get involved at here

Learn more about our new development on our podcast -

AND - check out Deadliest Dungeon every Wednesday at 5:30pm est on Twitch or watch the non-live version on Youtube here - we're back into the swing everyone... we just needed to get those Map Books out! Thanks for being patient. 

Inspection... Grrrr - but arrived!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 02:14:11 AM

Hey all, 

After a really sad inspection (which we have to pay for) the product as arrived at its final destination as of August 22nd according to our most recent bill of lading.  Next we have to coordinate with Flat River Group (our fulfilment team) and get from them, timelines for unpacking and then shipping! 

We're ALMOST done.  (in time to do it all again!)

Thanks for being patient. These map books will be worth it, but the wait has been hefty.