
Legacy of Mana 5E Compatible Products

Created by Lynnvander Studios RPG

An old-school 5e setting book, immersive map book and hardcover novel which will revitalize your D&D RPG experiences.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit is Live!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 07:50:44 PM

Greetings Fellowship!  

The time is here for the Backerkit to open!  In addition, here's a progress report of how well everything is going to date! The printer has secured the paper for the 5e book and we're on track when we get the files ready for print.   

We've launched the Backerkit here.... including a pre-order store.  We hope that you spread the word to those that didn't get the chance to be part of the campaign so they can jump on now while the Backerkit is open.   We will give sufficient notice when we are about to close it, however, expect this to be closing sometime near the end of March or when shipment begins.


Hey retailers.  We will be in contact soon with you to organize your order.  We haven't set up a retail section yet because we want to make sure the prices and shipping are extremely valuable.  Lynnvander's Tommy, owns several board game cafe's and understands the margins game!  We'll be in touch with you VERY soon! 

Progress on the content! 

Everything from the dev's perspective is written and complete!  Our writer team is now filling out the word count with eloquence and precision! The content reads very well.  Devin, Kyle and Tommy, review it in person and it honestly feels like stories around the campfire!  It's magical!  We have 3 last pieces of art from the KS backers to complete and then 2 final pieces in order to say Illustrations are COMPLETE! 

Here's a pic of the Keymaster (the only known person to never die in the deadliest dungeon!) and a piece of art from one of our backers! 

Meet the Beoulvian Zayan-Kuu, direct from the merchant's league and a Karmic Sorcerer / Equinox Paladin. This couldn't be any more Imarian! 

Map Progress  

We're doing well here, slightly behind our internal schedule but still very much ahead of the publicly promised schedule!  yay! Here's a sample of a new map we can show you now. 

We'll update again when we have substantial timeline updates and other information to excitingly show you!  Please watch our stream on Sunday's at 12noon et. on Six Sides of Gaming and see some of these amazing features in action from Legacy of Mana! 

Lastly, our friends at Six Sides of Gaming are launching their own Kickstarter in the coming weeks and they have a small connection to us!  They are launching a dice campaign which is called The Elder Dragon Dice!  They are amazing glass zircon dice, uniquely cracked to look like our shattered glass motif in the Legacy of Mana universe.  The dice sets are likened to the Elder Dragons in our world which will be a fun way to enjoy your role-playing even more!  

Here's the prelaunch page! 

See you soon everyone! 

The Adventure Continues!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 11:17:16 AM

Happy New Year Companions!  

We hope the holidays were full of rest, peace and certainly a bright future despite our still prevalent pandemic days.  After some time off our team is back at it!  Dev's Kyle, Devin and Tommy meet often to grind the finer details of the book while contributors such as Jaym has been delivering chapters of creative writing which are quite impressive! 

All our backers with custom art have been interviewed and those descriptions are now in the queue for art illustration.  We're down to the last 8-10 pieces with an expected delivery date of the end of January. The maps for the map book are well under way with the same dedicated completion date as the character illustrations.  

What's next? 

As per the graphic below, we're exactly on track! We're working on developing the Backerkit and will have it open in the coming days.  Our next update will be launching the Backerkit.  We'll be putting the book to layout by the end of the month.  We're so unbelievably excited. Each stage of this project has been full of excitement and creative fun.   

Once our surveys are out, we'll announce a timeline for digital deliveries and future involvement in this Kickstarter.  In the meanwhile, please see below for some easy ways to stay in touch! 

Check out some of the more recently completed illustrations by our artist Ryan Valle.  We'll save some for future updates and of course some for the book but we had to show you these unique pieces!   

A Leporine Black Power Ranger
A Zayanku-Vanduschel Monk of the Past, Present and Future!


Creator Tommy is still doing his True Talk episodes on Twitch every Wednesday at 3pm et. Tommy is always excited to talk more about the progress of this game and more!  WATCH HERE.

If you're wondering how these characters play out, check out our streams on YouTube or live on Twitch as we play Strands of Destiny on stream! 

Final Daily Unlock AND Thank-you!
over 2 years ago – Sun, Dec 19, 2021 at 05:20:17 PM

Thank you all!

The campaign has come to a close, but not for any sadness.  So many people have given us faith to print on and indeed we shall!  Now it is time to go forth and finish this book!  We'll be updating on a very regular basis.  You can watch Tommy's True Talk every Wednesday at 3pm et where he will be talking about the progress of this project.  If you're wanting to see some Legacy of Mana fun, we're streaming on Six Sides of Gaming literally as the campaign ends!  Join us from 12noon et to 3pm!  

Watch us NOW - RIGHT HERE!  

ALSO.... How about a final Daily Unlock? 

Rumor has it.... the designer is Elisa Teague.... but for now... that's just a Rumor. ;) 

We'll have the backerkit up as SOON as the Kickstarter deposits and we have a true number to work with. We look forward to the next phase of this project! 


Daily Unlock #12
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 04:45:13 PM

To the last hours fellows! 

We're now in the last 48 hour stretch and we've got another daily unlock for you!  Legacy of Mana introduces a lot of interesting new weapons and weapon properties.  These properties will change the gameplay for you in a significant way so we decided to give you weapon property reference cards! 

Foil Setting Guide options are now unlocked for the rest of the campaign.  If you missed the first 24 hours and are part of the backers that messaged me for a foil copy, I've added a pledge only available for the last 48 hours.  (Two pledges actually) One pledge for a foil edition of the book and another pledge with the map book.   You'll also be able to go in and add-on a foil copy of the book but at the actual price. (this was the first 24 hour people get their support for following and being there day one) 

Thanks everyone and see you in the final 24!!!!

Daily Unlock #11
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 04:36:54 PM

Wooohooo!  Day 11..... 

It's time to release the 11th daily unlock!  Today we're going to give away an AIRSHIP BUILDER reference card!  Since Legacy of Mana is all about the airships, we have devised a pretty unique and awesome airship builder system which allows for you to customize your very own airship. All aboard?  

The last 48 hours!  

We're at the end of the road soon.  Many of our backers have messaged us wishing they knew about the campaign well enough to get a foil edition of the book.  We decided to eat the cost of the book for Day 1, but we shouldn't just have others left out.  So we'll open a limited edition window for a Foil Cover of the setting book, around the 48 hour mark.  We'll release 50 copies (cause production times etc. to hit our marks) and make it a limited tier reward which will also be at the proper evaluation of $74 CAD.  We'll split this into both the book alone and as the Book + Map combo.   If you want a foil copy, just switch your pledge over and keep those add-ons!