
Legacy of Mana 5E Compatible Products

Created by Lynnvander Studios RPG

An old-school 5e setting book, immersive map book and hardcover novel which will revitalize your D&D RPG experiences.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping and Fulfilment Begins!
about 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 23, 2022 at 02:39:51 AM

Hail Adventurers!  

I present..... The Legacy of Mana campaign book! 

Yes.... it feels as amazing as it looks.  In fact, you could probably use it as a shield when battling an Ogre or two... It's heavy.  Just shy of the 300 page promise.  It's packed with lore, campaign hooks, mechanics, art.... We've never been so proud.  

This, what you see here, is the entire print run of books and fold out maps.  Some of the palettes have already been shipped to our distribution house in the US.  So local gaming stores will be able to start carrying them in a months time or less. 

Which means it's time to get your books to you asap! 

The last two weeks have proven to be difficult.  With the very store this game was developed in getting robbed to a car driving through the front window, it's been distractions with police, the news, insurance and nothing more than sleepless nights of distraction and paperwork!  But people are safe, two weeks have fleeted us and now we're back on the Pegasus, soaring for victory! 

Our printer has ordered the packaging and we're now collating for fulfillment.  IF any of you are going to Gen Con and would like to get it there from us, please email me [email protected] and we'll take you off the mailing list and put you on a Gen Con local pick up.  Speaking of Gen Con, please see our schedule and sign up for a game!  The Elder Dragons are excited to run 3 new campaigns this year! 

Sign up HERE!

What's next? 

We have a few daily unlocks to print.  A novel and a map book.  Those will be later this fall.  The novel will be done much sooner in terms of print, but the map book is what we're struggling with at the moment.  By struggle, I simply mean, 3 maps to finish completely, layout and print run which sadly will not be local due to cost and machine constraints.  We'll be printing with our traditional printer in China.  So we'll have a few months to wait on that.  The key feature is our commitment to getting you the campaign book! The heart of the campaign.  No worries about the additional shipping.  Since we've decided to send this package in two waves, we'll cover the difference for the wait.  We are hoping the DM screens will be done in time to go out with the books, however, if not we'll hold them to ship with the map books. 

Other news!

We got a new Six Sides of Gaming studio set up, (and then it got stolen in the robbery) but then we got ANOTHER new studio set up with better cameras (and it's not stolen yet).  We'll be setting up some irregular D&D streams post Gen Con as well as at Gen Con!  Our SSG crew has grown with some old faces returning and some new faces on tech!  

Join us on Twitch and Youtube

Lastly check out the last week of the Snap Ships Tactics Kickstarter

Until the next update, thank you all for being patient, victory is at hand! 

Fulfilment has begun!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Jun 28, 2022 at 12:39:57 AM

Greetings all! 

The time has come to start fulfilment.  

  • An email has been sent to all backers who are to receive digital content.  This content is broken into two waves, a meaty first wave called Digital Package 1 (which contains a majority of what you're owed, including the novel, the setting guide and daily unlocks). Digital Package 2 will come after several weeks with just a few maps, some digital cards and a module outstanding. If you like what you get in the digital format, you can always open a pre-order pledge and buy the physical copies here...
  • The setting guide is ready for pick up at the warehouse as of the 5th (Tuesday) where we will begin fulfilling immediately.  We will be shipping the retail copies out and fulfilling the rest right out of the studio in town.  Physical fulfilment will also come in waves.  Wave 1 will contain the most important item, the campaign setting guide as well as some of the daily unlocks, the DM screen, fold out map and more. Wave 2 will contain the map book, novel and anything outstanding, including remaining dice, coffee and more.  (and of course, any extra shipping is on us). 
  • Please have patience with us as we enter this fulfilment stage and do our very best to answer questions, deal with returns and overcome one of the hardest parts of a Kickstarter.  We're excited to deliver this as clean as possible and we very much want to hear what you think of the campaign guide and everything else as you get it!  

If you like this content and want more on the whole, we encourage you to join the Elder Dragon's Patreon where we are releasing weekly content and are now giving exclusive podcasts, streams and more! 

Shameless plug time

If you enjoy the product you're getting so far and/or like space ships, combat and tactics, check out the newest game Lynnvander designed which goes live at 1pm est, today!  Snap Ship Tactics, not quite an RPG, but definately a fun game to play!  We'll be streaming this game and more on 

The LAST Stages!
over 2 years ago – Wed, May 11, 2022 at 05:35:09 PM

Hello Everyone!  

I was really hoping to have more to show you for this update, but I just can't wait to post!  I've been given orders not to show any of the samples yet because we haven't settled on the treatment.... Ah what the heck.... here's an earlier treatment I want to show in order to just wet the test buds! 

Progress to date: 

  • All creative content is written and complete. It is now being edited for grammar by our professional editor Sarah! We are watching her live-time on the living document find all those annoying little letters than snuck past us! 
  • All Illustration is complete! We're now in the layout phase.  We have been getting bombarded with layout options.... and to be honest, they are all so cool that I'm having a problem choosing!  No matter what, the art layout wins!  I've shown a SAMPLE of a previous treatment above. 
  • Map, DM screen, character sheet and more are all 95% done.  I am preparing a massive digital package for everyone which will be sent out near the end of MAY!!! All the digital content will come when the books finally hit the printer! 
  • AND.... with that, the setting book is slated to hit the pre-press early next week! Should all go well, we'll have a completed setting book, DM screen and fold out map, coffee, dice and Lynnvander Badges in time for a May shipping deadline. SOME features will come in a second wave such as the interactive map book and the modules!  We don't have an accurate timeline on the map book itself yet, however we will deliver all the maps in the digital package so at least you'll be able to see and use them with your favorite online programs.  

**Remember we are printing locally, so no shipping times for us! Which is why this is such a quick turn around!***

Origins Game Fair!

We will have the above printed materials at Origins Game Fair, mid-June!  If you'd like to get the books signed or pick up another copy, we are running Legacy of Mana all CON LONG!  Origins is going to be the official launch of Legacy of Mana, we are planning a Lynnvandarian - Legacy of Mana party of sorts with special perks for the Knights of Lynnvander (badge holders).  Stay tuned for that. 

Backerkit and Pre-Orders!

If you're wanting more items from the Legacy of Mana Kickstarter - the Backerkit is still available for orders!  ORDER HERE

Patreon is growing!

We've been releasing a ton of additional content on our Patreon every Sunday which is additional lore, stat-blocks, encounters and more!  Please take a look and considering being a patron there in order to get all the goodies we're unlocking as time flows forward! 


And Lastly..... our Gamefound for the board game Minotaur is in its last week!  We're well on track and we are excited to see the collected community there! 

Crossing the Threshold!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 02:25:15 AM

Hail Adventurers of Imaria! 

We are proud to announce that progress is exactly on track! All creative content is now complete and in review and editing.  Our elder dragon team has worked diligently to read all the content aloud to each other as if it was story time at school and with each line, we got more excited!  

It's time for consistency reviews, lexicon spelling and then final editing! 

  • All our character illustration is complete! 
  • 75% of our maps are complete with new maps arriving every week!
  • Story content is complete

I'm kind of in disbelief.  It's working!!!! ;)  Here's some samples of our progress.  I just have to show you the progress. 

Chamael and Vathai

April 1st (no joke) we will be closing the Pledge Manager and charging cards.  Please be prepared for this.    Here's our pre-order link if you know anyone that want's to get in on this before we lock it down! 

Pre-Order Link

If you're interested in getting more frequent Legacy of Mana content, the Imarian design team, Devin (The Tome Keeper), Kyle (The Rune Cipher) and myself Tommy (The Lore Weaver) are now producing a good amount of stuff. 

Here's how the Patreon plays out so far!  

Every week on Sunday's at 12 noon, we'll be releasing something new for Patreon supporters!

The first Sunday of every week will be an excerpt from the Lore Weaver (a.k.a Tommy!).  This except will have a specific hook, lore, story idea or description of something unique and cool which may inspire you in your role-play gaming! The lore will be put in an archive which will then be used to create modules, one-shots and more to use on stream or be part of a larger story.

The best part?  You can use it to your RPG hearts content! Every Sunday thereafter the Tome Keeper (Devin) and the Rune Cipher (Kyle) will be releasing content surrounding that lore such as monster stat blocks, unique items/artifacts, environmental mechanics, character ideas, feats, NPC's and much much more!

On the last Sunday of every Month, the Tome Keeper will release an encounter which wraps all this content into one, simple but amazing encounter for you to use in any of your future games!

We have a lot more to show and discuss.... stay tuned for future descriptions and details about the up and coming growth of this Patreon!


Until next update! 

p.s. Watch us in Session 0 tonight as we play R. Talisorian's THE WITCHER RPG!!! Live at 7pm est.

Updates and Dice!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 09:33:47 PM

Hail Adventurers! 

We're proud to say that we're in the stages of content-complete!  This means, we're now reviewing things like;

  • the consistent spelling of things across the book
  • duplicate references and where to reference lore versus mechanics
  • order and layout of information

We're so excited to get this to the next stage which is proper text editing.  Someone outside the design and creative team will be doing this.  We're excited to have a professional editor hit the book and find all the mistakes we made!  Being so close to the project, it can be difficult to notice some of the basics over time. 

Our Backerkit is well received and almost ALL of you have completed it.  We're maybe 15% from being done!  We've even got some new pre-orders!   You can tell your friends here... they too can get the Legacy of Mana project on a late pledge basis! 

Pre-order HERE


All of our promised Kickstarter art is complete!  We have only 3 pieces left and they are in color and sketch stages!  Soon we'll have ART complete!  We're 50% complete in our map-book too!  Check out some of the samples! 

Our next update should be in the layout stages!  So MAYBE we'll give you a sneak peek at the book when we have a sample from Lynnvander's great Josh! 

Legacy of Mana Influenced!

Our colleagues at Six Sides of Gaming and Norse Foundry have just launched a glass-die Kickstarter! The dice collection has been influenced from the Elder Dragon's in Legacy of Mana so we're obviously pretty hyped!  Please consider spreading the word, taking a look and if you're looking to REALLY pimp up your dice collection with fractured glass - magical zircon dice... THIS is your campaign! 

Visit the page HERE